#skincare jauh lebih penting daripada make up. Jadi, daripada ngabisin duit beli eyeliner ke-120 kalinya mending ditabung buat beli krim yang benar.
#tidur dan berfikir positif ngebikin operasi besok tidak ngantuk dan menegangkan. Efek samping: kantong mata nggak nambah besar
#jangan pernah pergi ke outdoor tanpa sunblock. Jangan sampai sunspot malah nambah.
#sunscreen ada dosis pemakaiannya lohhh..
#go for most natural & reliable skincare. Even though usually it's a bit pricy.
#same thing goes with shoes, clothes and bags. Focus on quality rather than quantity
#hairdresser and pedicurist are my best ally. I want to wear less make up and accessories, so I have to be sure that my hair and nails are polished
#knowledge and passion are one of the best mood booster..
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